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40th Edition IRG InvestmentYearBook 2014-2015

40th Edition IRG InvestmentYearBook 2014-2015

  • $1495
  • Save $2500

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This year is the 40th issue and will include:

All New Zealand listed Companies  

The top 76 Australian listed Companies

25 of the Top world companies e.g. Louis Vuitton, Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, and more!

The IRG Yearbook gives a summary of the companies, their financials AND A 5 year graph of the performance.

Why Buy The IRG Yearbook ?

It is a Great reference for any investor to review the history of these NZ, Australian and World Stocks.

It has a long shelf life, i.e. it is referred to for up to ten years after purchase.

It is a brilliant gift for uncles, aunties, fathers, mothers, or anyone interested in Investment. It may be a student or simply someone who wants to learn.

It’s a great Corporate gift. It is a classic coffee table book. They are kept on coffee tables for years because there is always something happening with public companies, it remains topical.

The Book is crammed full of Investment Information.There will be facts that even the most experienced investor does not know.

There are 300 pages in the IRG Yearbook with over 244 Companies from around the world.

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