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Our Services

Investment Research Group

  • Listing of Public Companies
  • Share Placement
  • Acquisitions and Merger
  • Sale of Holdings
  • Corporate Strategies
  • Underwriting



Equity Investment Advisers


Equity can assist in buying or selling stocks and shares on NZX, NZAX, ASX and most major exchanges in the World


New Zealand and Australia has a wide range of Unit trusts offering investors significant choice. On request from an investor Equity can provide information and data on most Unit Trusts in New Zealand We can also obtain prospectus’s or application forms on request. Note a charge may or may not apply.


Equity has access to a wide range of fixed interest products. These include Debentures, Deposits, Unit Trust etc. Equity can provide alternates for many different terms and interest rates. Some offer tax benefits others are simple bank deposits. Note Interest rates change often and Investors should keep up to date with current rates. Prospectus and Investment Statements are available on request


New Zealand has an active tradable bond market (NZDX). Equity can assist in buying or selling of Bonds that are either listed or we can obtain allocations for clients in new Bondvlistings.


KiwiSaver is a voluntary, work-based savings initiative to help you with your long-term saving for retirement. It's designed to be hassle-free so it's easy to maintain a regular savings pattern.


Equity has access to a wide range of reputable Gold and Silver investment products. These include well-known gold and silver coins and bars that are both locally and offshore minted. We can also recommend trusted storage facilities.

Sign up an account with us! its FREE!. just contact us on +64 (9)304 0145 or Email us:




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